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New Staff Profile: Emily Haas and Alice Dembinski

Wednesday, August 4th
New Staff Profile: Emily Haas and Alice Dembinski

Get to know the newest members of our staff Office Manager Alice Dembinski and account executive Emily Haas.

EmailEmily: emily@iowaheartlanders.com Alice: alice@iowaheartlanders.comHometownEmily: Rochester, New York (proud native)Alice: St. Mary’s, IowaCollege Emily: Niagara UniversityAlice: Millikin UniversityWhere have you lived besides Iowa?Emily: Rochester, NY and Lewiston, NYAlice: Illinois, Switzerland and Ukraine

Most-entertaining quote from this interviewEmily: “I fear groundhogs, but sharks are my favorite animal.”Alice: “I love Iowa, I have lived many places, but Iowa is the place to be. It’s the good people, people will stop and help you in a snowstorm. It's home.”Most exciting part about joining HeartlandersEmily: This is my first “real-person job” which makes this even more exciting. To be part of a team getting started from scratch is amazing.Alice: Excited to build up and it’s a great atmosphere in the town and office. Engaging in sports management in a meaningful way is exciting!Most interesting fact about youEmily: I am a great fisher.Alice: Me and my boyfriend have a homestead and we have three alpacas and I spin yarn.How much coffee do you drink a day?Emily: 2 cups, vanilla creamer with sugarAlice: All day, pretty regular, cream and sugar, local brews if I go out.Favorite musical artist/songEmily: “Vienna” Billie JoelAlice: “By and By” by CaampYou can only eat one food for the rest of your lifeEmily: PeachesAlice: SushiFavorite movie Emily: Endless LoveAlice: 3:10 to YumaFavorite Restaurant Emily: Chic-Fil-AAlice:Smokin’ BonesWho did you look up to as a kid?Emily: My cousin Melinda, she was my hero.Alice: My older sister Kate, she is a musical genius.What do you do in you spare time? Emily: Hang out with my dog.Alice: Spin yarn, knit, remodel the homestead, garden, yoga.

What are you watching right now? Emily: Shark Week, Shark FestAlice: British Bakeoff and AloneWhat do you imagine the first Heartlanders game is going to be like? Emily: Electric and great.Alice: Loud, lot of energy and excitement. 

Favorite Heartlanders GearEmily: Polo but I want the rose-colored t-shirts those look really cool.Alice: T-shirtFavorite Flavor of Ice CreamEmily: Cotton CandyAlice: Cookie DoughFavorite Ice Cream ToppingEmily: CaramelAlice: Hot FudgePhone app you use the mostEmily: SnapchatAlice: RedditRanch on Pizza - yes or no?Emily: Yes but only if its from my favorite super market back home, Wegmans.Alice: Yes, Newman’s Own

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Luck of the Landers ☘️☘️
Friday, March 21st
Luck of the Landers ☘️☘️
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Xtream Arena
Fort Wayne Komets
FW Fort Wayne Komets
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Xtream Arena
Decades Night
Saturday, March 22nd
Decades Night
Puck Drops:
6:00 PM CDT
Xtream Arena
Fort Wayne Komets
FW Fort Wayne Komets
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IA Iowa Heartlanders
Xtream Arena
Fort Wayne Komets
Iowa Heartlanders
Sunday, March 23rd
Fort Wayne Komets @ Iowa Heartlanders
Puck Drops:
3:00 PM CDT
Xtream Arena
Fort Wayne Komets
FW Fort Wayne Komets
Iowa Heartlanders
IA Iowa Heartlanders
Xtream Arena
Happy Gilmore Day ⛳⛳
Sunday, March 30th
Happy Gilmore Day ⛳⛳
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3:00 PM CDT
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Wichita Thunder
WIC Wichita Thunder
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IA Iowa Heartlanders
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Star Wars Night
Friday, April 4th
Star Wars Night
Puck Drops:
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IA Iowa Heartlanders
Xtream Arena
Saturday, April 5th
Puck Drops:
6:00 PM CDT
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Norfolk Admirals
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IA Iowa Heartlanders
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